The Hybrid Cat Breeds of the World
Hybrid cat breeds are the offspring of two animals of different breeds and species. Breeds of cats (domestic cats) all originated from the same species of domesticated wild cat.
In December 2009 over 36 species of wild cat were classified, but this figure is in constant debate between scientists.
There is of course a difference between man-made hybrids and natural hybrids. Man-made hybrids are not a new trend - at the Crystal Palace show in 1875 the "Wild or Hybrid between Wild and Domestic Cats" category was won by an Ocelot.
Natural hybrids occur when domestic cats or feral cats mate with wild cats. These matings are usually voluntary and there is no human interference as with the man-made variety.
There are basically three categories of hybrid cat breeds:
- Wild cat/domestic cat hybrids
- Entirely domestic cat hybrids
- Entirely wild cat hybrids
Wild Cat/Domestic Cat Hybrids
These hybrid cat breeds occur when a domestic cat mates with a wild cat.
The Bengal
The Bengal cat breed is a cross between a domestic cat and a Leopard cat.
The Bengal is an example
of a wild cat/domestic cat hybrid
The Bristol
The Bristol is a cross between a domestic cat and a Margay.
The Chausie
The Chausie cat breed is a cross between a domestic cat and a Jungle cat.
The Caracat
The Caracat is a cross between a domestic cat and a Caracal. This hybrid is due to an accidental mating in the Moscow Zoo in 1998.
The Jaguarundi Curl
The Jaguarundi Curl is a cross between a domestic cat and a Jaguarundi.
The Jambi
The Jambi is a cross between a domestic cat and an Asian Fishing cat.
The Machbagral
The Machbagral is a cross between a domestic cat and a Fishing cat.
The Punjabi
The Punjabi is a cross between either a domestic or a feral cat and an Indian Wild cat.
The Safari
The Safari is a cross between a domestic cat and Geoffroy's cat.
The Savannah
The Savannah is a cross between a domestic cat and a Serval.
The Ussuri
The Ussuri is a cross between a domestic cat and the Leopard cat.
Entirely Domestic Cat Hybrids
These hybrid cat breeds occur when a cat of a specific breed mates with another cat of a completely different breed. Sometimes three domestic cats can be involved in the hybrid.
The Alaskan Snow Cat
The Alaskan Snow Cat is a cross between a Silver Persian and a Somali.
The Arctic Curl
The Arctic Curl cat is a cross between the Turkish Angora and the Selkirk Rex.
The Australian Mist
The Australian Mist is a cross between the Abyssinian cat, the Burmese and a domestic shorthair.
The Bambino
The Bambino is a cross between the Munchkin cat and the Sphynx cat.
The Bombay
The Bombay is a cross between a black American Shorthair cat and a Sable Burmese.
The Bramble Cat
The Bramble cat is a cross between several breeds, two of which include the Peterbald and the Bengal.
The Burmilla
The Burmilla is a cross between the Burmese and the Chinchilla Persian cat.
The Burmilla is an example of an entirely domestic cat hybrid
The California Spangled
The California Spangled cat is a mix of various domestic cats such as the American Shorthair, the British Shorthair and the Abyssinian.
The Cheetoh
The Cheetoh is a cross between the Ocicat and the Bengal cat.
The Dwelf Cat
The Dwelf cat is a cross between the Munchkin cat, the American Curl and the Sphynx.
The Elf Cat
The Elf cat is a cross between the Sphynx and the American Curl.
The Exotic Shorthair
The Exotic Shorthair cat is a cross between the Persian and the American Shorthair.
The Foldex
The Foldex is a cross between the Exotic Shorthair and the Scottish Fold.
The Himalayan
The Himalayan cat is a cross between the Persian and the Siamese cat.
The Kinkalow
The Kinkalow is a cross between the Munchkin and the American Curl.
The Napoleon
The Napoleon is a cross between Exotic Shorthair cats, Persians and Munchkin cats.
The Ocicat is another example of an entirely
domestic cat hybrid
The Poodle Cat
The Poodle cat is a cross between the Scottish Fold, the Devon Rex and the European Shorthair cat.
The Ragdoll
The Ragdoll is cross between a Birman and a Persian cat.
The Skookum
The Skookum is a cross between the LaPerm cat breed and the Munchkin.
The Snowshoe
The Snowshoe is a cross between the Siamese and the American Bicolor cat.
The Tiffany
There is uncertainty about this hybrid cat breed. It was either discovered in 1967 and then a breeding was established or the Tiffany cat breed was the result of a cross between an Abyssinian cat and Foreign Longhair cat.
The Tonkinese
The Tonkinese is a cross between the Burmese and the traditional Siamese cat.
The Toyger
The Toyger is a cross between a Bengal and a domestic tabby cat.
The Toyger - a cross between a Bengal and
a tabby cat
Entirely Wild Cat Hybrids
These hybrid cat breeds are the result of two entirely different wild cat species mating. These hybrids are almost always the result of human interference.
The Blynx or Lynxcat
This is a cross between a bobcat and a species of Lynx.
The Jungle Lynx
The Jungle Lynx is a cross between a bobcat and a jungle cat.
The Marlot
The Marlot is a cross between a female ocelot and a male margay.
The Liger
The Liger is a cross between a male lion and a tiger.
The Leopon
The Leopon is a cross between a female lion and a male leopard.
The Tigron
The Tigron is a cross between a female lion and a tiger.
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