MoMo and Keanu

by Barbara Voage
(San Jacinto, CA)

I got my two precious boys on the same day, but from 2 different households at opposite ends of the city. My Siamese, Moadeeb (MoMo) and part Siamese and part tabby, Keanu, who looks just like an Egyptian Mau. MoMo was 4 months old and Keanu was 8 weeks old. MoMo is a white shoe Siamese, having four white paws. Keanu also has four white paws. For all intents and purposes, they are brothers. MoMo, most of the time lies on his back with back legs wide open exposing his tummy and he loves to have it rubbed. My Keanu is a little more standoffish, but comes and sleeps with me every night, or even when I take a short nap. Keanu also dips his left paw in the water bowl and licks the water off his paw; he seems to do this particularly when the water level is a little bit low...They are the loves of my life. Thank you for letting me share them with you.


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