Please help me identity my cat's breed :)

by Christine

Hi there! I've never thought of myself as a cat lover until I adopted Snowy 2 months ago. The poor little thing was only about 3 months old when it literally wandered into my house. I decided to adopt him and he has been such a good companion to me ever since! I've always thought that Snowy is a White Persian. But somehow every time I read about Persian cats, his behavior just doesn't quite add up to it. Snowy is really playful and just can't seem to sit still in one place for long - a far cry from the docile and meek personality of a Persian. And now I am starting to wonder if he is a Turkish Angora instead because his behavior definitely fits a Turkish Angora more. But then, his ears don't seem to be as large and pointy as a Turkish Angora. So I am really confused now. I hope you can help me with identifying his breed as I am really just curious to know exactly what breed he is. Thank you so much in advanced!

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Nov 17, 2014
He picked you!
by: Anonymous

He looks like Whitey Da Mooch can pick a good human cat... As any cat lover knows a cat will watch you for a few days to see if you are worthy of its companionship before it makes the moves on you. I am not sure of the breed but He will be a good companion for many years if you get Him fixed and keep his shots up to date. I had a white cat in my 20's and I named him Bogart because he came into my house and just took over. He was about 2 months old as I remember. Good luck with your new friend.

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