My funny pair of kittens

by Imogen

I have these two cats, Willow (a long skinny green eyed russian blue) and Amber (My big chubby copper eyed chartreux) who love to do the most random things.

Amber's favourite hobby is exploring the shower(obviously not while anyone is in there cause that'd be gross) so every morning or so when my mum wakes up she has to chase Amber away from the shower, but the weird thing is that Willow loves water too.

She likes being hugged most when I have wet hands and even lies in the sink! I love my cats even if they do stare at me when I take my coat off and wake me up in the middle of the night for a cuddle. That's just the way they are.

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Jul 13, 2011
Funny things cats do
by: Cat Breed Info

Hi Imogen

Thank you for submitting your story!

Cats do weird and wonderful things! One of my cats, Amy, loves water and will splash in the basin for hours if we leave a tap dripping for her.

On the contrary, one of my other cats will walk away quite indignant shaking her paws vigorously if she has stepped in a little bit of water.

Please will you submit some pictures of your funny pair of kittens?

Thank you
The Cat Breed Info Team

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